
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Twelve: Twenty Twelve Challenge

Hello ladies! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year where you were able to spend some time with family, friends, God, and rest! We have some very exciting events planned for this year so I hope you will be apart of them!

At REVEAL this past Wednesday night, Stephen gave a wonderful challenge for the new year: 2012. Not to be biased by any means (I know he is my husband), but I believe this was his best message yet! He gave 12 things to do this year with the most important one last: Tell 12 people about Jesus. Here is the list of 12 Things to Do This Year in case you missed it:

1. Speak less and listen more.
2. Jump More/Have More Passion
3. Treat others as you would have them treat you.
4. Help others.
5. Don't worry.
6. Read the Bible.
7. Give thanks and be joyful.
8. Pray more.
9. Forgive your enemies.
10. Be careful what you say.
11. Look upward.
12. Tell 12 people about Jesus.

I was very challenged by this list. I am not one to make New Year's Resolutions, but this list is a great set of goals to follow for any day of the year! I have challenged myself to all of these and I hope you will too. I know you will hear these 12 things many times throughout the year. Write them down where you can see them everyday as a challenge to you. Hold your friends accountable for the 12 as well. I know you will have a blessed year! But most importantly, every 12 minutes someone dies and goes to hell. It is our challenge to you and to ourselves that we would make Christ known in our daily lives and the lives of everyone you come in contact with. Don't be afraid to tell others about Christ. Invite them to church, REVEAL, church activities, etc. 12 people in a year, One person a month! Think about the impact and lives Christ could change!

Will you accept the challenge?

Loving Jesus together,