
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Senior Spotlight~Brenna Morris

It's time to honor another one of our awesome seniors...

Brenna Morris

Brenna is a senior at South Aiken High School.

1. What is your favorite song on your iPod right now?
Well, I only really listen to my iPod when I'm working out at the gym. I love working out to Christian music because it puts a whole new spin on what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. With that being said, right now I really love the song, "This is Our God" by New Life Worship.

2. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I would absolutely love to travel to Africa to experience a whole new culture that is so much different than ours here. I definitely think that it would be a heartbreaking experience, but it would be worth it to better be able to see the blessings that God has given myself and this nation.

3. Any advice for our girls on being a senior?
I could write a whole novel series here!
-Don't stress it. Promise you'll get through it.
-Don't wait until your senior year to decide to work AND try to bring up your GPA. Jobs are not easy to find and that number is hard to move!
-Enjoy it! Don't let it get you down.
-Stay faithful all year to God's unmoving hand! When you feel alone, remember that God has never left and will never, ever leave your side.

4. What is one thing God is doing in your life right now?
God is doing so much! One big thing, though, is this-Deuteronomy 11 has been laid in front of me and it's slapped me in the face a bit. I've been a Christian for a few years, but I've never really been in His Word. I never really felt like it was all that necessary. You know, I was getting my Sunday scripture and that was enough. But I was way beyond wrong to think that way. Deuteronomy 11 talks about obedience to God and how when we are obedient, He pours His blessings out over us. Colossians 3:16 says "Let the Word of God dwell in you richly." That's not something that is up for debate or question. That's what I, as a Christian, am called to do. He has totally changed my heart and made me see that His Word really is His truth, His promise, His love, His grace, His kindness, His mercy, and overall, His story. It took me awhile to realize how crucial and mighty to save it is, but now I have a passion for His Word.

5. Sweet Tea or Soft Drink?
Funny that this question is for me! I've become somewhat of a health nut over the last few years. I gave up soda four years ago and sweet tea three years ago. It was all down to lemonade until a month ago, when I gave that up, too. Haha, so it's all water now!

Thanks, Brenna, for letting us get to know you just a little! If you run into Brenna around the church, make sure you take the time to say "Hey!"

Loving Jesus together,

1 comment:

  1. Brenna-
    You're an amazing woman and it's been my extreme privilege to watch you grow in the Lord! Keep your eyes on Him. He has great things in store for you!

    Mrs. Clifton
